It is that time of year again, where the pumpkins get carved and the lattes get made. And while we wait for Jimmy Kimmel to show us the hilarious video of sad children candy-less, there are some other fun ways to prank the family. Bring out the spooky music and start telling ghost stories… Halloween fun is here to spook and haunt! And we’ve got some ghouly good ideas we think are to die for!


Awesome Not-So-Scary Halloween Fun and Decorations


Halloween is probably the only holiday that has extremes and nothing in between. And I know you are thinking “well Christmas and Winter Holidays are kinda like that too.” But you dear friend are wrong. Because everyone celebrates those holidays with the same intention, there is joy and gift giving. And yes, some people go over the top like my neighbor who likes to see how high he can get his electric bill with all of his lights. But at the end of the day there is no “bad Christmas” and “good Christmas” like there is “fun Halloween” and “crap your pants scary Halloween”. Personally, I am of the fun fall side, so you will find me carving pumpkins, going on hayrides, and eating candy. My other half on the other hand, is creepy movies, blood, guts, and gore.


Decorating for Halloween and getting into the spirit can be a little daunting, so take a look at these awesome ideas for some not so scary (minus the mask in the bed. I would diiiieeeee if i woke up to that) ways to get your kids involved AND maybe even use them as decorations for an All Hallows Ball!

How to scare your kids this Halloween by Terrys Fabrics.
If you are throwing a Halloween Party, all of these would make awesome decorations! But if you are a pranking family, like we are, some of these would be great “tricks” to pull. We’ve given you the idea now it is up to you to (guillotine and) execute them!


Got any other fun ideas? We’d love to hear them!



Air Blown Inflatable Yard Decor


Nia is an Associate Editor at The Fairytale Traveler and self diagnosed travel junkie. Having traveled to 5 of the 7 continents, her love of good food and culture is a force to be reckoned with. When she isn't off adventuring with her husband, which she writes about on her blog CircaWanderlust, she can be found with a good cup of tea cuddling her pups and taking pictures of her food. She loves black and white movies and could listen to Elvis on repeat.

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