Now more than ever I am noticing the effects of travel on my body. It seems like one year I was fine and then next I found myself sluggish, bloated, getting frequent migraines and even gaining weight. Of course I know I’m getting older but hey, I’m still in my thirties! So why the sudden change? I asked around to a few other traveling moms to see if they had any answers. The common denominator was diet. As a busy mom and frequent traveler I’ve found myself living off airport foods, restaurants (with high fats, carbs and sodium) and being just plain too jet lagged to get into the kitchen to cook. I knew that was playing a role in my physical well being, so I set out on a mission to make healthier choices. Here are some of the changes I have made to my diet which have given me exceptional results:

The fairytale traveler, the little fairytale traveler, christa thompson, kid friendly, gauge rybak, healthy diet choice

Healthy Diet Choices for Travelers

First and foremost I decided to commit myself to drinking a lot more water. This naturally helps the body flush toxins, maintains sodium levels, hydrates the tissues (including the skin) and tells your body to not retain water. I drink about a half to a gallon of water a day. When I fly, I take an empty bottle with me and monitor my intake. Next I made a list of foods to stay as far away from as possible. Things like bagels, muffins, donuts, high starch foods, high sodium foods and sugar. I don’t even let them get into my head. I make sure I consume my carbs earlier in the day (six or more hours before bed) so I have plenty of time to burn them off. I make sure my meals are well balanced with healthy portions of protein, fats and carbs (green fibrous carbs in the afternoon and evening and grains during the day). A great way to take in good fats is to look for products with life’sDHA® in them. life’sDHA® is a high-quality vegetarian source of DHA omega-3 sourced from algae. Research shows that DHA supports brain and eye health throughout life. It’s an ingredient in foods, beverages and supplements throughout the world. Look for the life’sDHA® logo on product packaging to know you’re getting a vegetarian source of DHA omega-3. It looks like this:

life's DHA

What is DHA?

DHA is a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid found all throughout the body. It is a major structural fat in the brain and retina accounting for up to 97% of the omega-3 fats in the brain and up to 93% of the omega-3 fats in the retina. It is also a key component of the heart. Studies show that people of all ages (including women who are planning to become pregnant, those who are pregnant and moms of infants and young children) benefit from DHA. (source). These minor changes to my regular diet paired with keeping my habits in check while I’m traveling have made a world of difference for me. Now I am able to get right into the swing of things post long-haul flights without feeling sluggish or even bloated. My focus is strong and I can see a huge difference in my ability to get a lot of things done after a long trip.


This post sponsor – life’sDHA®– educated me on the importance of nutrients – including DHA omega-3 – for all stages of life. Find out more about life’sDHA® here:

Facebook: @lifesDHA

Twitter: @lifesDHA

YouTube: @lifesDHA



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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