Are you looking forward to traveling to see friends and loved ones in the upcoming months? If you’re traveling during the holidays, whether it’s for work or pleasure, consider following these easy travel health tips.


Here are the top travel health tips you can use for protecting your overall wellness while on the road.


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Travel Health Tips You Can Start Right Now

Healthy Nutrition


The first of our travel health tips is about healthy nutrition. Looking for a healthy snack? If you’re in an airport, on the road, or in a new area, finding your favorite healthy snacks can be challenging.


Look for whole foods (such as apples, pears, and bananas) to grab on the go. Nutritionists often suggest carrying a healthy snack from home will help you stave off a hunger attack.


Gut Health


Protect your digestion. One of the most important travel health tips to follow is that of your gut. When you’re at home, it’s easy to grab a probiotic drink, support your gut health, and power upon healthy intestinal bacteria.


While traveling, opt for probiotic pills that offer similar benefits and added convenience. You don’t need to refrigerate the pills or worry about them spilling into your purse or luggage.


water bottles, travel health tips


Stay Hydrated


Drink plenty of water. Water is available just about everywhere you’ll be traveling. Seasoned travelers often bring a glass or stainless steel water bottle to support staying hydrated during long flights or car rides.


If you don’t have your water bottle handy, stop at a local convenience store and pick up some bottled water. Sparkling or still water will help you stay hydrated. At the same time, you’ll make a healthy choice—unlike the sugary sodas or caffeinated beverages that are lining the shelves.


Healthy Activity


Another essential travel health tip is to schedule activities and stay moving. Find ways to stay active, even if you only have a few minutes.


Just ten minutes of brisk walking will help you feel energized and refreshed during a long trip. Experiment with a few calming and energizing stretches that you can do while sitting or standing.


For instance, check out the classic yoga moves such as stretching your neck from side to side, rotating your shoulders, and relaxing your jaw. Stretching and relaxing help your body, mind, and mood stay calm during travels.


If you’re in an airport between flights, walk the corridors. Use the stairs to get in a bit of healthy movement.


If you skip taking the trams between terminals, you’ll quickly boost the amount of physical activity, see new sights, and feel happier when you arrive at your gate.


Whether you’re flying to Laguna Beach to get out of the snow, or heading to Ketchum to go cross-country skiing, you’ll be more relaxed when you get there.


The funny thing about staying active is that even a little bit helps. Plus, once you start walking, jogging, or stretching, you’ll be inspired to do more.


All these little chunks of exercise can quickly add up to help you get the recommended 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity you need in a week.


Hobby Ideas, preparing for a trip


Healthy Mindfulness


If you’re traveling solo or with companions, start to look for ways to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is turning your full attention to what’s happening in the present.


For instance, you can be mindful of breathing. This is a skill to practice while traveling that can help you stay calm, relaxed, and free of stress.


If mindfulness is something that you’ve been hearing about, use your holiday travels to get started. Since mindfulness is a method of focusing attention, you can get used to practicing anytime, anywhere.


Think of some of the practical applications for practicing mindfulness of breathing, standing, or sitting. You may find that you’re more tuned internally and less anxious about external situations.


You may also discover, as many people do, that it’s easier to stay patient, relaxed, and tolerant in tight situations. This may mean that you’ll have more fun and a happier experience while waiting in lines, managing flight delays, or sitting out snowstorms.


If you encounter unpredictable situations, use these times to practice your mindfulness skills and manage your travel health with proactivity. 


Healthy Preparation


The most practical of travel health tips is to be prepared. Are you traveling by car, plane, or train? Pack for emergencies, health, and exposure to stay healthy while traveling.


If you don’t have an emergency kit, pick one up at a local drug store. You may want to confirm that your emergency supplies include a first-aid kit and extra medications unique to your personal needs. Also, carry a mask and extras as a safety precaution.


In case you’re traveling by car, don’t forget to include items such as a flashlight, sand for icy situations, and a cell phone charger. Stock your car with extra food that doesn’t require cooking or refrigeration.


Bring plenty of fresh water in clean containers. Before heading out the door, check on weather conditions and predicted forecasts. When you’re traveling, it’s essential to be ready to make changes to your plans.


Avoid being on the road if the National Weather Service has issued travel advisories. If conditions are safe for driving, let your friends and family know your route and when you expect to arrive. After all, a little extra attention to your nutrition, activity, mindfulness, and preparation can help you stay healthy while traveling.


Final Thoughts


The most important thing to remember when it comes to travel health is to think ahead, be prepared, and take time to take of yourself. It’s really easy to get lost in the adventure and the shuffle of the transport. Don’t let your health suffer. Follow these travel health tips and take care of yourself.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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