Summer will be here before you know it. As winter winds down and spring pops up, you’re probably already thinking of your summer travel plans. Whether you hit the beach or an exotic all-inclusive resort, you should follow these summer vacation tips to help you plan ahead of time.


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Summer Vacation Tips

Choose Your Destination


Before you do anything else, you really need to choose a destination. Make a list of places that you want to go. 


Research each possible destination to determine which one will be the best fit. Be mindful of things like the weather during the summer months, what there is to do, and how long it will take you to get there. 


Many individuals choose to go on a cruise during the summer months. This is because they can visit several destinations in a short period of time without having to deal with transportation or switching from one hotel to another.


saving up money, summer vacation tips


Make a Plan to Save Money


Now is the perfect time to start saving money for your summer vacation. Because the summer is still several months from now, you have plenty of time to save up for the vacation that you have dreamed of. 


You can easily save money by eliminating purchases on things you don’t need. For example, you can make coffee at home instead of buying it at a coffee shop. 


Another way to save money is to bring leftovers to work instead of going out to eat lunch every single day. Put the money you save into a separate bank account for your summer vacation. 


By beginning to save money now, you’ll end up having enough to pay for your vacation. This will remove much of the financial pressure associated with covering the cost of travel expenses.


fitness class, travel tips fitness, stay fit on trips, travel workout


Start Getting Into Shape


You probably want to look great in your swimsuit while you are on vacation. It’s a great way to motivate yourself to start a healthy diet and to incorporate exercise into your life if you haven’t already.


It’s also a good reason to start now, so you have time to see the result of your efforts by vacation time. 


One way to add exercise into your routine is to become a member of a spin class franchise location close to home. You can take classes there, and you will be able to get into shape before it’s time to travel. 


Don’t be too hard on yourself, though. Set realistic goals about how much weight you want to lose. You should strive to lose no more than 1-2 pounds a week to stay healthy. Also, keep in mind that if you are strength training, building muscle mass can actually increase your weight.


That’s not a bad thing. It just means you need to see how your clothing is fitting and how you look overall rather than only at a scale.

travel-friendly jobs, backpack, computer, summer vacation tips


Book Your Travel Plans


Don’t wait until the last minute to book your travel plans. By doing so, you will risk not getting the flight you want or a hotel not having available rooms. You might also end up spending more money.


If you are worried about your plans changing, make sure that your travel bookings are refundable. You could also go the extra mile and get travel insurance.


It will allow you to be reimbursed just in case you get injured or sick and aren’t able to actually go on vacation. A great way to book your travel is by using a service like bookaway.


Unsolicited calls, summer vacation tips


Request Time Off of Work


The summer is a popular time of year to travel. This is why you need to request time off of work now. 


Even if you aren’t committed to going on a trip yet, you still need to request the time off. If you don’t end up going on a vacation, you can always work and save your vacation days. 


You don’t want to risk waiting until the last minute to request time off only to be told that you can’t. Other employees could be going on vacation at the same time, or your employer may be unable to cover your shifts while you’re away.


In conclusion, it isn’t too early to start thinking about your summer travel plans. By utilizing the summer vacation tips mentioned above, you will ensure that you are ready for your vacation ahead of time.


All of this planning will be worth it in order for your vacation to go off without a hitch.

Feature Photo by Link Hoang on Unsplash

Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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