Nothing says “yay mom” like a fun pack of Star Wars coloring pages and bonus poster. There’s been an awakening – have you seen it? Star Wars: The Force Awakens made its movie debut on Thursday and I couldn’t be happier that its back and here to stay as we look ahead to at least 4 more years of The Force.


Star Wars, The Force Awakens, Poster, New Poster Movie PosterThe whole world cannot stop talking about Star Wars. All of my social media feeds have exploded with people sharing their thoughts and theories on the movie. I’ve never known so many people wanting to see a movie in the theaters a second time, including myself! After seeing the movie, my family is having a hard time not thinking and talking about it constantly, too. Thankfully I have some fun activities including Star Wars coloring pages, games and more to share that you and your family can enjoy together while geeking out about Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Star Wars Coloring pages Free Printables

Star Wars Coloring Pages and Bonus Poster Download Here

Download – Star Wars: The Force Awakens Printable Family Activity Pack

This activity pack couldn’t come at a more perfect time either. Aside from the movie having just released, Christmas break just started this week and what better way to fill the hours of the days than with coloring sheets, making door hangers, and playing Star Wars games. I even plan to tape the printable console into a big cardboard box so my son can pretend he’s piloting his own X-wing or even the Millennium Falcon.

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Not only are all of the old favorites in the movie, but the new characters are absolutely amazing. I was blown away be how great both Finn and Rey were and I think BB-8 may have taken the spot of my favorite droid. The movie will make you laugh, make you cry, and leave you in complete awe and craving more.

Here’s the trailer for The Force Awakens in case you need to re-live the highlights of the movie or to get you hyped up if you have yet to see it.

I was so ridiculously satisfied with The Force Awakens. It was everything I could’ve hoped for – great action, amazing new characters, seeing our familiar favorites again, and many unexpected, but well done surprises. JJ Abrams started as a young fan of Star Wars, much like the rest of us, and the new Star Wars he’s created speaks to all of the fans, both young and old alike. The Force Awakens is almost like a fresh starting point for Star Wars – there was no need for an elaborate backstory and whether you know the history or you’re new to the fandom, this is a movie that everyone will find something to enjoy. And now you can enjoy the coloring pages and bonus poster too!

I’m counting down the days until Rouge One comes out in 2016. May the Force be with you!


Danielle is an Associate Editor at The Fairytale Traveler specializing in lifestyle, family and products. She's a married mom of one, is an Orlando, FL native and writes on her blog about living the geeky life. She has a love of all things nerdy, is a bit of a crazy cat lady, and enjoys baking and crafting with her son. She can often be found with her nose in a good book or playing at Disney.

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