Marvel’s Ant-Man

In Theaters NOW!


With yesterday’s box office release of Marvel’s Ant-Mankids have a whole new favorite superhero in the Marvel Universe. These free Ant-Man games and coloring sheets are just in time for your kid’s next obsession (courtesy of Disney’s Marvel Studios).


The film is packed full of fun references, cameos and even boasts two credit scenes leading way to some pretty heavy plans for Scott Lang and Marvel’s tireless Avengers. I think it’s safe to say, Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Entertainment Weekly did a pretty sweet review of the credit scenes here.


Here you’ll find the superhero mask, a matching game, mazes, coloring sheets, and more. Totally legit, straight from our good friends at Marvel Studios. Thanks Marvel! (Download at the bottom of the page).

Free Ant Man coloring pages and games


Check Out Some Fun Facts About the Movie

About Director Peyton Reed

Peyton Reed was an admitted Marvel fanboy growing up. When he was in high school he drew a picture of a punk band he was in, depicting the band as a recreation of “The Avengers #1” cover. Each of the band members was a different Avenger. Maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophecy, but Reed drew himself as Ant-Man.


He also got into ant research and was helped out by his mother who sent him a book he had as a kid titled “World of Insects,” which featured an ant on the cover. According to Marvel Studios, Reed enjoyed catching up with his inner child as he leafed through the old book.


Photo Marvel Studios


About Production

The Basement set is also home to a vertical ant farm that the production design team created. It actually houses live ants that went happily about their daily tasks oblivious to the filming around them.

In each Ant-Man suit there are over 159 LED lights, which are controlled remotely. All the circuitry and batteries for the lights are in a very small backpack. The whole suit can light up, including the gloves and belt.

Each Ant-Man helmet has 54 different pieces to it as well as 10 LED lights. If you add in the nuts and bolts and the helmet lining, it’s over 60 individual components just for each helmet.


About Easter Eggs

When you watch the film, look closely at some of the set dressing in Hank Pym’s house. You’ll see a little chair or a tiny weapon or other miniature everyday items. There are items placed all around the house that hint at the adventures Pym had when he was Ant-Man and suggest the experiments that he made shrinking inorganic objects before he made the breakthrough to shrinking organic objects.

Check Out this Cray Adorbs Promo Featuring Little Ant-Man


Get Your Free Ant-Man Games and Coloring Pages!

Download here Marvel


Missed the Trailer? See it Here! In Theaters NOW!



What did YOU think of the film? Let us know in the comments below!

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Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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