Thinking about carving a Finding Dory pumpkin? Lucky for you that I just spent the morning with my best blogging mamas and Disney’s Master Carver Joseph Yakovetic. Even I was impressed with what I was able to do! Here you’ll find instructions on how I made my super cool Finding Dory pumpkin along with printables of other activities like luminaries and paper bag people.

finding dory pumpkin


Finding Dory Pumpkin and Printables

While I love being super creepy at Halloween, I also love the idea of getting my son and his friends together to do something on the cuter side. Hey, I have to get it while it lasts right?

While at Walt Disney Studios last week for the Doctor Strange Event, I was given the opportunity with 24 other blogging ladies to carve pumpkins with the great Joseph Yakovetic. Known for his amazing work in design and sculpting everything from props to costumes, I was literally being taught by the best.

Download your printables by clicking the image below:


Download Finding Dory Halloween Activities
Joseph taught us how to carve out a pumpkin without ruining its top (cut a square in the back and scoop the junk out with a CD).

tara salinas, kasandria reasoner, finding dory pumpkin
Tara (Trippin with Tara) and Kas (Southern Bellas Ways) getting their carving on.

Here’s how I did it:

  • Traced my stencil over graphite paper (art store)
  • Traced the graphite impression with sharpie
  • Painted with acrylics
  • Carved the outline with a stamp carving tool (art store)
  • Cut square, scooped and used a tea light BOOM!
finding dory pumpkin
Having some fun with Shelley from A Magical Mess.
Finally the finished pumpkin!
Finally the finished pumpkin!

After all our hard work, Disney shipped us our pumpkins so we could share them with our families and carve them at home. My son LOVED the pumpkin and he thinks I’m like some pumpkin carving goddess now (which I’m okay with).


Watch Jospeh Yakovetic as he demonstrates the carving here:

I had so much fun carving my pumpkin and you will too. Don’t forget that Finding Dory comes out:

finding dory pumpkin


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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