If you are anything like me, hitting up all the Game of Thrones filming locations in Europe is a personal dream of fandom proportions. Like most, the Game of Thrones hiatus probably has you climbing the walls, you’re in for some good news.


The cool thing is, even though the show has ended, the Game of Thrones filming locations in Europe are very much thriving. So, if you want to be a little “extra” about coping with your Game of Thrones withdrawals, you’re going to want to visit these filming locations. And you’ll be in for quite an invigorating trip, these locations are some of the best places to visit in Europe!


Game of Thrones filming locations in Europe


Here’s How to Visit All of the Game of Thrones Filming Locations in Europe

Getting Around


We’re going to review all the hotspots you’ll want to visit in a minute, but first, let’s talk logistics. Once you get to Europe, the most efficient way to get around and see all the sights is by car.


Consider renting a car so you won’t have to worry about maintenance or roadside assistance. Your GPS should get you from location to location without too many hiccups.


But if you’re really tight on time, you may want to forget the car and take flights or train rides to each of the Game of Thrones filming locations in Europe. This won’t be the cheapest option, and it will require some planning, but it will help you get the most out of a short trip.


Trust me, you’ll want to see it all.


Game of Thrones Filming Locations in Europe, the Bucket List


You’re ready to explore, and we’re ready to reveal your destinations, but we do have one word of caution before we begin. If you’ve waited until now to watch Game of Thrones, you may encounter some spoilers.


If that’s the case, simply stop at this list before reading the rest of the post.


  • Doune Castle, Scotland
  • Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
  • Ballintoy Harbour, Ireland
  • Vatnajökull, Iceland
  • Almería, Spain
  • Girona, Spain
  • Dubrovnik, Croatia


Okay, now that there are only us diehard GoT fans left, we can proceed. Read on and enjoy the journey.


Doune Castle, Scotland (the original Winterfell)


If you thought Winterfell had changed since the first season, you would be right. But Doune Castle was the very first House of Bolton, and it’s a real fortress located in central Scotland near the Sterling District where the original Winterfell scenes were filmed.


But that’s not all this castle is famous for. If you’re planning a visit, you should also know that Doune Castle was the primary filming location for Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If you’re up for some fun, you may want to visit on the annual Monty Python Day.


While you’re here, nothing is off-limits. You can explore every nook and cranny of the House of Bolton.


Location: Castle Hill, Doune, Stirling FK16 6EA Scotland