Cinderella has always been very near and dear to my heart. It was the very first ever Disney VHS I received as a gift from my sister one Christmas. I’ll never forget it.
I remember the very first time I saw the film. Before this, I had zero inkling of who or what Cinderella was, or even fairy tales for that matter. But the first time I saw the movie I was hooked.
I knew every song and every scene. I loved the way she moved, the way the birds flew around, and those mice! There were so many things about the original cartoon which drew me in. No matter what part of the movie was playing, I was glued to it.
For a five-year-old girl, it was one of the most dramatic things I had ever seen. I was in love with this movie! I watched Cinderella until I grew out of it. Much like most adults, life began to unfold and a layer of dust collected on my first ever Disney movie.
Over the years I saw several live-action Cinderella movies being adapted. I had no interest in any of them. None of them convinced me they were as good or better than the Disney animated film. I was die-hard for Cinderella.
Then, when Walt Disney Studios announced they were making a live-action film based on the cartoon an eyebrow raised. I was certainly intrigued (but not sold).
Cinderella Now
As publicity for the new Cinderella began to reveal itself I was shocked. That dress! Oh and the talent! I had already been a huge Richard Madden fan from my love affair with Game of Thrones.
And when I saw Disney’s choice for Ella to be Lily James I agreed it was a perfect fit. But when I saw the trailer for the first time, I remember just sitting there, jaw-dropped, completely stunned. One dramatic quote spoke to me from that trailer,
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