As if you need me to give you a good reason to check out The Walking Dead filming locations. I mean you know as well as I do you’re a total fan (or let’s be honest you wouldn’t have arrived to this article). Well you’re in good company. I’ve been a fan of the hit AMC TV series since it first began in 2010. When I found out Atlanta Movie Tours would be bringing me on not one but TWO of their “Big Zombie” tours, I about fell over.

Can I just go back to this again… The Walking Dead filming locations!!!!!!! Like c’mon!!! Now I could list here a detailed index of all the film spots in Atlanta and in southern Georgia but that’s completely dumb. First of all there’s a book that will cost you $30 in the official The Walking Dead Store and will detail this for you. I bought the book for reference. If you had it in your hands right now you could essentially go to these places yourself, but you still wouldn’t have the experience I had. Why? Glad you asked.

Atlanta Movie Tours
Having a little fun with my walker finger puppet.

Atlanta Movie Tours is a professional company which specializes in (say it with me) film locations. Their guides are extras in The Walking Dead and by extras I mean WALKERS!!! So you get a very exclusive look at these locations from like minded uber fans who have experienced first hand what the production is like. You know what that is? Really effing awesome that’s what.