It’s no secret, I have a thing for reading fairy tales. The most inspirational quotes come from the most legendary fairy tale and adventure writers of all time. So, while I was sitting around today I decided to gather my favorite motivational quotes to provide you with food for thought in your upcoming year.


Whatever dreams you have, whatever challenges you face, none are achieved or conquered unless you take a leap of faith. -me


Before I get on with it I want to give you a little inspiration of my own. I don’t know you and you know little if anything at all about me, but for what it’s worth I would like you to know… You have a choice in life to follow a path to happiness.


I had the most unlikely hand of cards to land me on the path that I am on. I chose this path. After divorce, after being a single mother, with student loans and waiting tables. I knew what I wanted, I knew where my happiness lived. I cut the shit, took the plunge, and found not only happiness in my career, but opportunities I never knew existed.


For some people, to travel is to take a plunge. Maybe you can’t afford it, maybe you can’t figure out how to be away from commitments… Believe me when I tell you, where there is a will there is always a way. If you are willing to start something new but have commitments that are getting in your way, like school essays, you can delegate to Edujungles and follow your dream. Never give up. Always push the limits. Love your dream, breathe it, and you will have it.


I want to express my sincere gratitude for the people in my life who have held my hand, inspired me, and given me the encouragement to pursue my dreams (you know who you are). I wish success for every one of them. I am by no means at the top of this mountain. Bring it on!


I have been bent and broken, but I hope in better shape. -Charles Dickens

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It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Inspirational Quotes 23


The best is yet to come…