Oh. My. God. Have I mentioned recently how much I loved Doctor Strange? Part of what won me over on this film was its character development. With a perfectly curated cast chosen by Director Scott Derrickson, Doctor Strange nailed the roles of the 1960’s comics (even though he changed things up a bit). His choice for Benedict Wong as ‘Wong’ was no different. Despite him pretty much inverting the character to avoid stereotypes, he still created a world where Doctor Stephen Strange evolved into the wizard that he is. And it was perfect.

Benedict Wong, Interview, Wong, Doctor Strange
Marvel Disney 2016

I recently had the chance to sit down with Benedict Wong and discuss his part in the film. He was super charming from the moment he walked in with this great big smile. I was excited to hear what he had to say about production, his role as Wong and, of course, his super powers.

A mixture, sort of childhood dreams, to sort of being in kind of the Marvel Universe. Yeah, I was thrilled. -Benedict Wong

If you missed my other recent interviews with the cast and Director or the review I did of the film (well what are you waiting for)? This film is so killer! And if you can, you should definitely be seeing it in IMAX 3d.

My Interview with Benedict Wong Doctor Strange’s Wong