This is journal entry 4, our third day in Norway in which we enjoyed a trip on the Southern Railway with Eurail from Oslo to Stavanger where we explored an Iron Age Farm and the Three Swords Monument.
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Destination Norway Day 4 Journal Entry: Oslo to Stavanger
I won’t even go into the drama that’s involved with losing your Eurail pass. Okay yes I will, but just a little. We had a 7:25 train to catch from Oslo’s Central Station to Stavanger. Bags in tow, we hustled to the NSB office to activate our tickets…Our tickets, where were they?
This is silly, I swear they were just right here!”
I exclaimed as the harsh reality of having lost our Eurail passes began to set in. In retrospect, they must have stuck to another piece of paper that was thrown away. Immediately I began to problem solve. I had precisely two hours before the next train left to sort this mess. I spent the first of those two hours trying to contact Eurail. I spent five minutes of the second hour dropping 1008 NOK on new tickets. Don’t lose your tickets.

Travel Tip: When you are using a Eurail pass they are like cash. Completely non replaceable. There are no Eurail offices in the Oslo Central Station. Their “help desk” is the NSB office. There is no phone number to call them. If you lose your ticket you are S.O.L., ‘up the creek’, screwed. However, if you’re a travel blogger being sponsored by Eurail, email your PR contact ASAP and they will send you a new one in 2-3 days.